Are you looking for natural remedies for stress? are you one of those people who has at least once said: “I feel good about myself when I am busy”. If your answer is yes, you are in the right place to learn about stress, different kind of stressors and of course natural remedies for stress.
Stress is the non specific response of the body to stressors. Stressors can be emotional, chemical and physical.
If you want to find the best natural remedies for stress, below you will find lots of useful information that will help you learn about it first, so as you can easily identify what type of stressor is affecting you.
Emotional stressors
Emotional stressors include feeling of love, hate, oppression, having exceptionally high standards from ourselves and others, having workaholic behavior, feeling of anger or envy, all of these can be stressful in their own obvious ways.
Chemical stressors
Chemical stressors inlcude viruses or bacterial infections in the body, poisons (mercury, toxins), lack of oxygen (such as shallow breathing or living in home with a limited air flow), drugs, nutrients deficiencies and bad diet, pollution in the air or at work place, smoking cigarettes, consumption of alcohol and junk food.
Physical stressors
There are different kinds of physical stressors that we might not consider as causes of stress in our life. The reality is that nowadays is hardly impossible to live without them. The reason why we mention this is because we need to be aware of their existance and we should find out sometime in our daily life when we can enjoy a relaxed time and be without them.
Some examples of physical stressors are: frequent X-rays, ultraviolet light (blu-tooth, tv-remote control), sound waves (radio), loud noises in clubs, gravity and temperature and mobile phones and computers.
Stressors do not necessarily develop into stress.
The stress response depends on many things such as genetic make up we have from family, our immune defenses, our nutritional status and our psychological attitude towards life in general.
How Does our body cope with Stress?
Our body has various coping mechanisms designed to deal with stress. In some extreme stressful situations the heart beats faster and harder, increasing blood pressure, consequently extra volumes of blood are sent to the different organs. Brain, muscles, lungs and heart work faster while those for digestion and other organs not needed for this reaction slow down.
However, the effects of stress can be lasting. Tense muscles, headache, stomach cramps,teeth clenching, and exhaustion, lumps in the throat and sleeplessness are all signs directly attributed to stress.
Hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and corticosteroids are produced in increased amount in our body when we are in stressful situations. In acute stressful cases they are responsible to increase breathing, the heart rate and tense the muscles. These are good for short term stress, but we can get addicted to their production and to the great feeling they give us, therefore putting ourselves in stressful situation for the immediate feeling.
How often have you heard yourself saying: “ I feel good about myself when I am busy” This will not do good to your body in a long run. On an emotional level, stress can cause memory problems, depression, emotional outbursts and panic attacks.
The fact that many of us live in a very stressful environment is not deniable but what it does to us depends on how our attitudes and reactions are towards stress.
You may want to change the word “problem” into the word “challenge” in your everyday conversation. The word “problem “ has a negative influence on us whereas the word “challenge” feels exciting since it implies something we feel like dealing with. A challenge is organic, as we go through with it, we take it step by step and we grow during this process. Facing challenges we are more present, aware and conscious.
While dealing with an issue we can always choose to be calm, whereas solving a problem makes us result oriented and that can be stressful.
Ways to cope with stress
Bringing balance to our lives is our main goal when dealing with stress. Below you can find some strategies you might find useful when facing stressful times.
-Hard physical work and fresh air such as working in the garden or your small balcony for those who work in offices are the greatest insurance for relieving stress.
Physical activity is one of the simplest and best techniques for releasing stress and achieving overall relaxation. Sport in open air is highly recommended. Any sport clear the mind.
–Deep breathing gives a more immediate response to anxiety and stress. Deep abdominal breathing can relieve long term tension.
-Conscious relaxation of each of the body muscles, starting from face and neck right down to the feet and toes. It is helpful to tense each muscle before releasing and relaxing. You can do this once or even several times a day. Make sure you do this once before going to sleep, to ensure a good and sound sleep for yourself.
-Be aware of your surroundings be it home or workplace and see how they contribute to your anxiety or stress level.
–Work environment . It is usually high on the list of stress-inducing factors, if only because of the long hours spent there.
– See if you have artificial or insufficient natural lighting at home or office.
-Poor air quality is another factor that increases stress. One of the most important things we need is oxygen, if we don’t help the flow of air in the room or office we work, sooner or later we will start feeling very tired. Make this a daily habit to open the window several times a day specially early in the morning.
-Examine your office and home and see if you have improper use of space. Make sure you make your home orderly and find things easily. If everything has its place in your home or office, you won’t spend extra energy to find things like your car key, your papers, your socks and many other things, so you won’t get upset because of it. These small things contribute to high levels of stress.
–If you are sensitive to noise, crowds and air pollution which cause additional problems especially when coupled with city living, you will need to think of solutions. Using ear plugs at night when you go to sleep is one way of dealing with noise.
What can you do about it?
Recognizing stress effects on you can help you find ways to counteract them. When you identify them you are on the way of resolving them already.
One principle is to always keep in mind that we want to bring more light and joy to our lives because we feel there is darkness. Darkness is the absence of light, so what we suggest here in a practical way, is to increase light, joy and relaxation in your life. Because darkness doesn’t exist!
You can counteract the above mentioned issues :
-Making sure you maintain a comfortable home environment. It is important, especially as a refuge for relaxation.
-Walking daily at the local park. The simplest thing will change your whole attitude towards life . If you only try it for a while you will soon observe the change in your mood!
-Doing some outdoor activities such as long walks or weekend hikes will decrease the stress level immensely.
-Creating a higher level of comfort at home will do good to your mood in general. A little effort to move certain furniture at home or workplace,
-Improving indoor air quality with non-flowering plants and open window as was suggested before too.
Homeopathic Remedies for Stress
Take Nux Vomica CH30 (C30) if you are impatient, irritated, you can’t take it when something contrary to what you say has been said. You feel you have too much on you and work a lot.You need lots of stimulants such as coffee or many cups of black tea, maybe alcohol, to help you run the show. Take it once a day each time 5 globulin.
Take Zincum Metalicum CH15 or (C12) if you feel you are intelectually exhausted and you tend to constantly move your feet even when you are sitting or standing. Take it two times a day each time 5 globulin.
Take Aconitum CH15 or C12 if your heart beats faster than usual and you feel anxious and worry with or without any obvious reason. You may deep inside have fear of death.Take it two times a day if you need it.
Take Gelsemium C30 if you are a student before an exam and you don’t remember anything and you feel totally blocked. If you have anxiety before an operation, medical or dental treatment, this remedy can help you. Take it two times a day each time 5 globuli before the exam or the treatment.
Take Kalium Bromatum CH15 (C12) if you are restless, tense and you constantly do something with your hands. You may have sleepless nights and nightmares. Take it two times a day each time 5 globulin.
Nutrition tips to reduce stress
-In order to built resistance to stress you will need to eat foods rich in Vitamin B, such as whole grains, vegetable, eggs and meat.
-To balance the adrenalin glands,eat foods which contains potassium such as salmon, tomato and lime beans, banana and cabbage.
-Take two spoons of bee pollen it contains all the nutrients required by our body. It contains easily assimilated amino acid and vitamin B12 also good for those who are vegetarian.
–Carrot juice and kelp are both very rich in vitamins and minerals that can give a boost to your body.
Herbal Remedies
-To remedy your stress drinks teas that help relief tension, calms and rebuilt the nerve system. You can take them in singly or mix some of them together. Add one tsp of tea to one cup of boiling water and let it sit for 5-8 minutes.
– Brew tea, Black cohosh root, Skullcap tea, St.John’s wort, valerian tea,cayenne, lady’s slipper, chamomile are all Natural remedies for stress.
-Take a bath in a bath tub that you have added 6 drops of lavender oil.
We recommend you take supplements that you need. There is nothing we need to take forever. Our body shows symptoms when we are lacking some vitamins and minerals. A healthy and sound diet is the main suggestion, but when you have faced extreme stress, we recommend you assist your body with certain supplement until it gets back to normal when you can maintain it with a good diet.
• Calcium 1000-1500mg, it is better to divide the amount into 500mg and take it several times a day, do this for a month and see how you feel.
• Magnesium 500 mg, take it for a month and observe the quality of your sleep and how your muscles are more relaxed.
• Coenzyme Q10, 2X100 mg for a month.
• Garlic 2 capsules 3X daily for a month.
We hope you have found this page useful and you will try some of the things we are suggesting here. You can always come back and try some of the natural remedies for stress you haven’t taken into consideration at first glance.
Always keep in mind that you need to bring light and joy to your own life and as you feel more relax and whole, others around you, will feel it too.